Our law firm offers legal services in Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia in the following areas.
Administrative Law
Admiralty and Maritime Law
Advertising and Marketing Law
Agency and Distributorships
Agricultural Law
Alcoholic Beverage Law
Alternative Dispute Resolution Law
Animal Law
Antitrust Law
Trade Regulation Law
Appellate Practice Law
Asset Protection Law
Aviation and Aerospace Law
Banking Law
Bankruptcy Law
Biotechnology Law
Business Law
Casinos and Gambling Law
Chancery and Equity Law
Civil Practice Law
Civil Rights Law
Class Actions Law
Collections Law
Commercial Law
Commercial Real Estate Law
Commodities Law
Communications and Media Law
Computers and Software Law
Construction Law
Contract Law
Copyrights Law
Corporate Law
Criminal Law
Debitor and Creditor Law
Drugs and Narcotics Law
Education Law
Elder Law
Election, Campaign and Political Law
Eminent Domain Law
Employee Benefits Law
Energy law
Entertainment Law
Environmental Law
Equipment Finance and Leasing Law
Family Law
Finance Law
Franchises and Franchising Law
Fraud and Deceit Law
General Practice Law
Government Law
Government Contract Law
Guardianship and Conservatorship Law
Health Care Law
Hospital Law
Housing Law
Immigration Law
Insurance Law
Insurance Defense Law
Intellectual Property Law
International Law
International Trade Law
Internet Law
Investment Law
Labor and Employment Law
Enforcement Law
Leases and Leasing Law
Legal Ethics and Professional Responsibility Law
Legal Malpractice Law
Libel, Slander and Defamation Law
Litigation Law
Media Law
Medical Malpractice Law
Medicare and Medicaid Law
Mergers and Acquisitions Law
Military Law
Mortgage Law
Municipal Law
Natural Resources Law
Negligence Law
Nonprofit and Charitable Organizations Law
Occupational Safety and Health Law
Partnership Law
Patents Law
Personal Injury Law
Premises Liability Law
Privacy Law
Probate Law
Products Liability Law
Professional Liability Law
Property Law
Public Finance Law
Railroad Law
Real Estate Law
Regulatory Law
Religious Institutions Law
Institutions Law
Resorts and Leisure Law
Securities Law
Social Security Law
Sports Law
Technology and Science Law
Tort Law
Toxic Torts Law
Trade Secrets Law
Trademark Law
Transportation Law
Trusts and Estates Law
Unfair Competition Law
White Collar Crime Law
Law of Wills
Workers Compensation Law
Zoning, Planning and Land Use Law
Mergers & acquisitions Law
Capital markets law
Employment law
Information technology law
Outsourcing law
Insolvency law
Restructuring law
Investment fund law
Maritime law
Shipping law
Transport law
Private equity law
Telecoms law
Structured finance law
Securitization law
Personal income tax Law
Corporate income tax Law
Value added tax
VAT in Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia
VAT registration
VAT representative
Value added tax registration in Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia
Value added tax fiscal representative
Value added tax representative
Double taxation treaties
Transfer pricing
Holding companies
Dividend taxation
Royalty taxation
Permanent establishment tax
Independant services tax
Dependant services tax
Interest tax
Business profit tax
Income from immovable Property tax
Taxation of income Law
Tax on capital
Exchange of tax information
OECD Model tax
Reduction of employees
Reduction of staff
Capital Gains
Options Law
Company establishment Law
Company formation
Company Setup
Company Incorporation
Company Registration