On November 25, 2010 Valters Gencs was speaking in conference “VAT refunds in Latvia - problems and solutions” in Riga, Latvia organized by the Norwegian, Swedish, Finish and Danish Chamber of Commerce’s.
Conference „VAT refund problems and solutions” were held on November 25, 10 in Radisson Pak Hotel Ridzene in Riga, Latvia. The conference prime organizer was the Norwegian Chamber of Commerce with assistance of the Norwegian Embassy, but was supported by the Swedish Chamber of Commerce, Finish Chamber of Commerce and Danish Chamber Commerce as well as the Embassies of the respective countries.
The conference created interest not only in business, but also the trade representatives from the other European countries such as Germany as the Cultural and trade Attaché Mr. Dresselhauss was also in attendance. In total more 80 participants were present. From companies such as VOLVO, AIR BALTIC, NORDEA BANK, SVEASKOG BALTFOR, BALTIC FEEED, SKOGSKALKALPET, RADISSON, STOCKMAN, PLOCKMATIC, BALTSHIP and RIGA SHIP MANAGEMENT. Also the conference was of interest to the academic audience with participation of Riga Graduate School of Law Ass. Prof. Peter Gjortler.
Chairman of the NCCL and attorney at law Valters Gencs started the presentation with total overview of the problems in Latvia, focusing on the actual cases of the members, which was followed by Marina Kuzenko, who is Deputy Head of VAT department of the SRS (Tax administration). She addressed the issues of general changes in VAT laws in the recent year. Her presentation was followed by Kristine Kosinska, principal lawyer of Large taxpayers department of the SRS addressing VAT refund possibilities for foreign companies. The Conference was closed with in-depth speech from the Lubova Sevcova, the deputy Head of SRS Financial Police and the Chief of Investigations unit which resulted in many questions regarding black economy. Slides of the presentations are available in English.
Slides from Valters Gencs presentation see here