E-Residency in Estonia: Opportunity to become Estonian E-Resident
Estonia has taken another gigantic leap in proving that it is an E-State. Starting from 7th of October people from all over the world can pre-apply to become Estonian E-Resident and therefore to receive the digital identity provided by Estonian Government. The actual E-Resident digital identity will be issued starting from December 2014.
What is E-Residency?
E-resident is a physical person who will receive E-Resident digital identity. E-Residency will not give full legal residency in Estonia, but is meant for people who will need to sign documents digitally e.g. Estonian companies management board members and shareholders who are not Estonian residents, but who have connection to Estonia and who will have to sign significant documents in order to carry on the business. This new arrangement will fasten and simplify the business activities in Estonia.
The E-Resident card itself is not a physical ID card or travel card, as it does not has the photo of the person, but it does have a microchip needed to sign documents and e.g. to log into the Estonian Tax Authority info systems or into Commercial Register.
How to become E-Resident?
In order to receive the E-Residency and the E-Resident card, it will be necessary to:
- Submit an application, at this moment the application has to be submitted personally to the Estonian Police and Boarder Guard Board;
- Pay state fee of 50 EUR;
Decision to issue the E-Resident card will be made within 2 weeks and the card will be received in person at the Estonian Police and Boarder Guard Board.
Kati Kruut, lawyer of the Gencs Valters Law Firm in Tallinn.
Practising in fields of Immigration and Residency in Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia.
T: +372 61 91 000
F: +372 61 91 007