Social security treaty between Estonia - Moldova
Social security treaty between Estonia- Moldova entered into force on 1st of August, 2012. The three most important principles of this treaty are as follows:
1. Export of pensions. Paying out pension shall be continued if a person moves from Estonia to Moldova or vice versa. However, paying out Estonian national pension won’t be continued.
2. Joining the periods of insurance. If a person has not yet qualified for the pension according to the legislation of one contracting party, the pension qualifying period of another contracting party shall be taken into account.
3. Pro rata assessment. Both contries are only paying for the period of insurance that has been fulfilled in their respective territory. The size of the pension shall be calculated proportionally according to the pension qualifying period acquired in that state.
The Minister of Social Affairs Hanno Pevkur mentioned that the need to enter into the agreement came from the fact that both countries belonged to the Soviet Union and therefore both Estonia and Moldova have people who have worked, and therefore acquired pension rights within the territory of the other country. He added that a person might have coinciding insurance periods and that the treaty avoids paying double for these periods.