European Patents extension (validation) to Lithuania
A person wishing to obtain a European patent for an invention may file a patent application with the Lithuanian Patent Bureau. The patent is normally valid for a period of 20 to 25 years, without the possibility to extend it. The state payment for the European Patent Application is 115 EUR for online application, 200 EUR for paper application, additional search fee on an application filed on or after 1 July 2005 is 1165 EUR, and additional research on an application filed before 1 July 2005 is 840 EUR.
If the patent application meets the necessary requirements it will be granted within 3-5 years. Additional annual state fees starts for the third year and are 445 EUR for the 3rd year, 555 EUR for 4th year etc.
Patents are available for any inventions in all fields of technology, provided that they are new, involve an inventive step and are capable of industrial application.
The opposition against a patent may be filed by third persons challenging the novelty of the patent within a 9 month period starting from patent publication, and it is filed within European Patent Organization. The state fee for opposition is 745 EUR.
All the administrative decisions may be appealed to European Patent Organization within 2 months of notification on particular decision date. The state fee for the appeal is 1240 EUR.
In order to receive a European patent extension to Lithuania, the applicant shall submit the following documents to the State Patent Bureau:
- Request form;
- Translation of Patent claims into Lithuanian language;
- Document confirming the payment of state fee.
State fee for European patent extension is 46 EUR. If the number of claims exceeds 15, an additional fee of 15 EUR shall be paid for each additional claim.
The State Patent Bureau publishes the translation of claims and issues a certificate confirming European patent extension within 3 months of the day the application was filed.
Patent Law in Lithuania in English language
Copyright Law in Lithuana in English language
Power of Attorney in Lithuania for patent and trademark registration in English language
Power of Attorney in Lithuania for patent and trademark registration in Russian language
Power of Attorney in Lithuania for patent and trademark registration in Finnish language
Power of Attorney in Lithuania for patent and trademark registration in Swedish language
Special power of attorney for patent and trademark registration in Lithuania in English language
Special power of attorney for patent and trademark registration in Lithuania in Czech language
Special power of attorney for patent and trademark registration in Lithuania in Russian language
Special power of attorney for patent and trademark registration in Lithuania in Finnish language
Assignment form for patents in Lithuania in English language