Real property - assistance to Cyprus company “Keycrest Limited” in the purchase of real estate with total area 2.6 ha, in biggest real estate project in Baltic states (total of 455 ha), called Saliena (www.saliena.com), located near Riga city centre, Jurmala and Riga International Airport. Real estate is divided into 50 separate land plots, provided for the building of private houses or townhouses.
Representing Aros Arkitekter AB, a subsidiary of Sweco Architects. Sweco Architects is the largest architectural company in Scandanavia with more than 500 employees. The Sweco Concern based in Stockholm employs almost 5,500 architects and engineers worldwide.
Tax and legal advice to McDonald's and its shareholder from Malta Premier Capital Limited, about McDonald’s operations in Malta and the Baltic States. In 2010 the company opened of another eight new restaurants in the three Baltic countries to bring up the total to 39 restaurants - all owned and operated by Premier Capital Ltd.
Representing The General Motors Company, also known as GM, a United States-based automaker with its headquarters in Detroit, Michigan. Representation in relation to regulatory, EU and distribution matters. Brands covered - CHEVROLET, CADDILAC, HUMMER.
Representing Saab Automobile owned now by Spyker Cars NV in closing unofficial dealership in Riga, Latvia, and enforcement of trademark rights. Other trademarks represented- FORMULA 1, KOOKAI, SCHWEPES, PAYPAL, VERBATIM, PS PLAYSTATION S, THALASSOTHYS, JAMESON, MIDLETON VERY RARE, CORK DRY GIN, AMD, SPALDING, ORACLE.
Studies and Latvian National reports performed for European Commision -„Study on the Transparency of Costs of Civil Judicial Proceedings in the European Union”; „Study on Harmful Traditional Practices in the European Union”; „National Report on the application of the European Directive 2003/8/CE of the 27 January 2003 on legal aid in cross-border disputes”.
Pan Baltic restructuring of A.P. Møller - Mærsk by establishing new Damco combined brand of the A.P. Møller - Mærsk Group's logistics activities previously known as Maersk Logistics and Damco. Involved in global liner shipping services, the Maersk Line operates over 550 vessels. It is currently the largest container shipping company in the world.
8 million EUR restructuring and tax advice to Korsnäs AB (Sweden). Korsnäs is one of Sweden's leading forestry companies, Korsnäs also produces bio fuel pellets at two plants in Latvia and has loading and storehouse facilities in operation in the Riga Free Port. Korsnäs is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Investment AB Kinnevik.
Litigation - representing Purolite International Limited, Llantrisant Business Park, Llantrisant, Wales, UK for the debtor in Latvia in excess of 0.5 million EUR; Calzaturificio casadei Shoes (Italy) against distributor in Latvia „Loretti”; Energetec (Germany) which makes BULLERJAN stoves against a local distributor.
Corporate - liquidation of Infineon Technologies (Netherlands) branch in Latvia. Infinenon offered semiconductor and system solutions for automotive, industrial and multimarket sectors, for applications in communication. Closing Weatherford (USA) in Latvia - one of the largest oilfield service companies, which operates in more than 100 countries. Closing of Siemens Turbomachinery branch (Sweden) in Latvia. Arranging patent and assignment matters from Pfizer Incorporated (US pharmaceutical company, ranking number one in sales in the world) acqusition of Wyeth Pharmaceupticals (UK).
Tax services to YIT Oyj, a Finnish based company headquartered in Helsinki, which provides property maintenance and management services; the Construction Services unit builds housing, large-scale infrastructure.
Banking - advising pension fund Hipo Fondi, part of state owned bank „Latvijas Hipotēku un zemes banka” regarding finance and corporate matters. Advising Swedfund International regarding investments into Latvian furniture production group Troll. Swedfund International is a risk capital company owned by the Swedish state.
Gencs Valters Law Firm in Lithuania is advising Converse Inc. (the largest manufacturer of athletic footwear in the United States) in the cases related to trademark Converse, Converse All Star Chuck Taylor, All Star and graphical trademark Star & Chevron Design protection in Lithuania. Gencs Valters Law Firm represented Converse Inc. at Lithuanian Patent Bureau in a case of trademark protection against Lithuanian trademark Clintas. Converse Inc. is a long-term client of Gencs Valters law firm, with the relationship now having lasted for over a decade. The majority of the cases have involved trademark protection concerns in the Baltic States.
Gencs Valters Law Firm in Lithuania represents French Company L’Oreal (the world’s leader in the field of cosmetics) in the field of business law and taxation. L’Oreal is consulted in the fields of taxation, business law and general corporate law. Gencs Valters law firm was advising L’Oreal in the pre-court case and negotiations with Ambassade de la Beaute. Gencs Valters law firm have been advising French Company L’Oreal for over a decade in all three Baltic States. The main legal issues related to L’Oreal concern corporate and tax law.
Gencs Valters Law Firm in Lithuania represents McDonalds (the world's largest chain of fast food restaurants) in the issues related to taxation in Lithuania. Our law firm currently consults McDonalds on the tax planning issues related to loans.
Gencs Valters Law Firm in Lithuania represents Maersk Line (One of the biggest shipping companies in the world) in the issues related to business relocation, taxation and corporate legal matters. Our law firm currently consults Maersk Line in taxation, employment and corporate issues in Lithuania.
Gencs Valters Law Firm in Lithuania represents Polish company Prcip Dragmor, (a company engaged in all kinds of dredging works and reclamation, beach nourishment, construction of breakwaters, river bank reinforcement, trenching/backfilling for gas pipelines of large diameters, laying pipes on sea bottom including sewage treatment projects), in the court case against UAB Klaipedos Hidrotechnika related to the deepening of Klaipeda’s Port channel in Lithuania and related dispute. Our law firm represents Prcip Dragmor in the ongoing court case related to the deepening of Klaipeda’s Port channel in Lithuania. The case is one of the biggest cases currently held in Klaipeda.
Gencs Valters Law Firm in Lithuania represents UK Venture Capital Firm (company focused on high tech and Internet investment) in acquisition of Lithuanian company. Our law firm currently represents UK Venture Capital Firm in one of the biggest deals in social networks development sphere through acquisition of Lithuanian company (company involved in developing various social networks).
Gencs Valters Law Firm in Lithuania is advising Mitsubishi Tanabe Pharma Corporation (creation of pharmaceuticals) in the cases related to trademark Tinubin protection in Lithuania. Gencs Valters Law Firm represents Mitsubishi Tanabe Pharma Corporation in the case of trademark protection.
Gencs Valters Law Firm in Lithuania was advising The British Council in Lithuania (The British Council is the UK's leading international organization for educational and cultural relations) for starting its activities in Lithuania and related taxation issues. Our law firm was advising The British Council in the field of taxation for public institutions and issues related to the activity start-up.
Gencs Valters Law Firm in Lithuania is advising UAB ACG Nystrom (the company in Lithuania, which offers machines, spare parts and technical service for the upholstery textile, clothing and shoe industry in Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia and Belorussia) in the relation of international tax planning issues. Our law firm was advising UAB ACG Nystrom in connection to international tax planning and business development into Baltic States.
Gencs Valters Law Firm in Lithuania represents Belgian credit insurance company Ducroire | Delcredere SA.NV's in a mission to protect its clients against the risks associated with domestic and international commercial transactions and to facilitate the financing thereof. Our law firm advised in the international commercial transaction related to business insurance policies.
Gencs Valters Law Firm in Lithuania advises in acquisition of business in Lithuania for Nexum Insurance Technologies, provider of software solutions for Scandinavian insurance company If, Swedbank and Lansforsakringar bank. We advised Nexum Insurance Technologies on the acquisition of a Lithuanian company.
Gencs Valters Law Firm in Lithuania advises Sika Group (Manufacturer of speciality chemicals for construction and industry) in a variety of corporate law, employment and taxation issues.
Gencs Valters Law Firm in Lithuania represents UAB Hifab (Swedish market leader in the field of project management) in the sphere of business law.
Gencs Valters Law Firm in Lithuania represents Latvian Company SIA Rigas Dzirnavieks (company taking part in the development of Latvian grain farming industry and through partnership provides bakery industry and retailers with healthy and stable quality grain-based products). The company was advised in business development in Lithuania and related taxation issues.
Gencs Valters Law Firm in Lithuania represents Latvian Company Tshudi Logistics (company providing Logistic solutions and transport services and belonging to the Tshudi Group of Companies) in a court proceeding against individual company II Litvirta.
Gencs Valters Law Firm in Lithuania represents Latvian company SIA Isosol in issues related to taxation.
Gencs Valters Law Firm in Lithuania advises UAB Graina (company engaged in wholesale of medical equipment, products and technologies; maintenance and service of medical equipment – installation, service, repair and medical staff training). Our law firm advises in tax planning opportunities related to business development in the Baltic region.
Gencs Valters Law Firm in Estonia is advising shareholder of companies Tuletorn Projekt OÜ (Estonia) and Stiftung-Leuchtfeuer (Germany) in the cases related to taxation, asset transformation and company restructuring issues in EU partnership purposes in Estonia and Germany. Advising included firstly the cross-border partnership issues, involving the establishment, real estate ownership and transformation of partnership and the taxation in fields of process planned. Secondly the questions were related to the situation in Estonia – a company Tuletorn Projekt OÜ – the taxation, assets, loan and shares issues of company.
Gencs Valters Law Firm in Estonia is advising Kik Textilien und Non-Food GmbH (Germany) in the cases related to trademark protection in Estonia. Gencs Valters Law Firm represented Kik Textilien und Non-Food GmbH at the Patent Appellation Commission of Estonia in the case of trademark protection against Estonian trademark KICKS. Kik Textilien und Non-Food GmbH is one of the long-lasting clients of Gencs Valters law firm, which is advising the client for over 10 years on the regular basis. The majority of the cases involved concerned trademark protection in Baltic States.
Gencs Valters Law Firm in Estonia represents Kverneland Group Kerteminde A/S (Denmark) in the Value Added Tax disputes in Estonia. Gencs Valters Law Firm represented Kverneland Group Kerteminde A/S at the Estonian Tax and Customs Board in questions related with cross-border Value Added Tax. Consultation included the procedural actions in Estonian Tax and Customs board, the negotiations with the authority and partners of company in Estonia and the regular process for VAT refund.
Gencs Valters Law Firm in Estonia represents K-TEK International Inc. (USA) in the issues related to corporate governance and EU structural funds in Estonia. Gencs Valters Law Firm represented K-TEK International Inc. as the shareholder of Estonian Nanotechnology Competence Center (ENCC) at the disputes between other shareholders and Enterprise Estonia (EAS) as the authorized body for EU structural funds in Estonia. Disputes were related to patent, assets, activities issues of ENCC for now and in future and the misunderstandings between ENCC and EAS. Consultation included client representation in Shareholders Annual Meeting of ENCC and several negotiations with the Chairman of the Board and shareholders of ENCC, advising the parties in future activities and related questions.
Gencs Valters Law Firm in Estonia represents Tallinna Pesumaja OÜ (Estonia) in the issues related to cross-border debt collection and contract termination procedure between Tallinna Pesumaja and Domina Hotel in Riga. Gencs Valters Law Firm represents Tallinna Pesumaja OÜ in periodical debt collection between Tallinna Pesumaja OÜ and its clients. Secondly advises Gencs Valters Law Firm Tallinna Pesumaja to terminate the long-term service contract with Domina Hotel in Riga. Consultation included client representation in disputes between Tallinna Pesumaja and its clients and partners, cross-border debt collection and the procedure with contract termination with Domina Hotel in Riga.
Gencs Valters Law Firm in Estonia represents client (individual) in the immigration issues in the Tribunal of United Kingdom. Gencs Valters Law Firm represents its client in the immigration issues in the Tribunal of United Kingdom against the decision of Embassy of United Kingdom in Warsaw, Poland. Consultation included client representation in collection of evidences, negotiations with Estonian authorities, court claim preparation and submission.
Gencs Valters Law Firm in Estonia represents client (individual) in the Self Employment taxation issues in the Estonian Tax and Customs Board. Gencs Valters Law Firm represents its client in the Income and Value Added Tax issues in Estonian Tax and Customs Board. Consultation includes the advise in company establishment and related questions in business law.
Gencs Valters Law Firm in Estonia represents construction companies such as Hardex SIA, J.O.Z SIA and Infrainsenerid OÜ (Latvia and Estonia) in the construction issues in Estonia and related questions. Gencs Valters Law Firm represents its clients in the construction field in company establishment, taxation, licenses, construction supervision and employment law issues in Estonia and EU countries. Consultation included client representation in collection of evidence, negotiations with Estonian authorities, court claim preparation and submission.
Gencs Valters Law Firm in Estonia represents EBay (England) in the field of company transformation and related issues. Gencs Valters Law Firm represented EBay in question of company transformation, related to employment, taxation and asset questions.
Gencs Valters Law Firm in Estonia represents L’Oreal (France) in the field of business law and taxation. L’Oreal is consulted in the fields of taxation, business law and general corporate law. Gencs Valters law firm have been advising French Company L’Oreal for over a decade in all three Baltic States. The main legal issues related to L’Oreal concern corporate and tax law.
Gencs Valters Law Firm in Estonia represents McDonald's (USA) in issues related to taxation in Estonia. Our law firm currently consults McDonald's on the tax planning issues related to loans, interests, employment and thin capitalization rules.
Gencs Valters Law Firm in Estonia represents Maersk Line (Denmark) in the issues related to business relocation, taxation and corporate legal matters. Our law firm currently advises Maersk Line in taxation, employment and corporate issues in Estonia;
Gencs Valters Law Firm in Estonia advises Sika Group (Swizerland) in a variety of corporate law, employment and taxation issues.
Gencs Valters Law Firm in Estonia represents AB Hifab (Sweden) in the sphere of business law.
Gencs Valters Law Firm in Estonia is advising Mitsubishi Tanabe Pharma Corporation (Japan) in cases related to protection of the Tinubin trademark in Estonia.
Firm represents Mitsubishi Tanabe Pharma Corporation in trademark protection issues.Gencs Valters Law Firm in Estonia advises UAB Graina (Lithuania) in cross-border taxation and business issues. Our law firm advises in tax planning opportunities related to business development in the Baltic region.